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Then I spoke the Deplorable Word. A moment later I was the only living thing beneath the sun.” “But the people?” gasped Digory. “What people, boy?” asked the Queen. “All the ordinary people,” said Polly, “who’d never done you any harm. And the women, and the children, and the animals.” C.S.Lewis The Magician’s Nephew pp70-71 HarperCollins Publishers 1955, 2002
What's really interesting in this film is that all the current issues are shown: the rich-poor gap, the nuclear build-up... But though all the bad aspects of a human are illustrated, we also have the good ones: creativity, compassion. This importance of the Nature is stressed too, what's rather astonishing in such a film.
The end of the earth proposed here is interessant too because it's quite relevant of what a lot of people think: the nuclear build-up scares.
Moreover, this film rises a lot of issues in a few words: for instance when we see a church, the off screen voice says 'a comedy theater': it sums up a lot of points of view in two words. But at the same time, it can scandalize, that's why this film can be controversal but isn't it what was expected?
To conclude: many issues in such a brief film.
What a shocking film! The images of the victims of the nuclear bomb are really horrible.
What's more the Human seems to be only capable of destroying the nature and himself, of dividing the world by wars but also of engendering poverty and disparities.
Fortunately the end of the report calls back that we are capable of loving, we are sensitive.
But in spite of his intelligence the Human need to know, to test and to control what surrounds him.
Your movie is very shocking and that is efficient in the way people need to be shocked to take care of what is occuring. Moreover, I find it very interesting to see it from an extraterrestrial point of view for it makes it look more objective. Nevertheless, this movie is to me too pessimistics eventhough you enlight the human's obsession for love. Endeed, you don't give humans much credit on their being aware of their weaknesses and their ability to change things. I think that like other species humans are motivated by their desire to live and I prefer thinking that they won't go so far as to destroy all life.
Unfortunately, changes may take too long to come and such a good film like yours should be broadcasted everywhere.
I found this film both interesting and shocking. I think the point of view adopted is interesting because it enables to show the human issues with a unbiased view.Although it can seems to be a bit too pessimistic, i find that there 's is some truth in this film.Images used were impressive and some of them even shocking: a lot of images of death and destruction caused by human being's pride.
On the other hand, this film shows the human being paradox : he can be both creative,compassionate,loving and proud, spiteful and able to destroy all a population just because of politic opinion, or economic interests.
On the one hand, I have found this film shocking. Indeed, some pictures which are shown, hint at the current disasters. What actually strikes me is the images of the victims of the nuclear catastrophe. This film also insists on global warming by means of images of storms, drought... Lastly, misery is ubiquitous in this film given that it lays the emphasis on the lack of elctricity, clean water and food in poor countries.
On the other hand, this film is very interesting because it reveals the bad aspects of the human being. Infact, this film aims at helping people to become aware of the critical situation in the world.
There are a lot of arguments against nuclear weapons in this film bit none for it.
I want to say I agree that nuclear weapons should be banish but there a utility in this weapon: nuclear deterrent is really working what would be the cold war without this detternt force??
I think that it will takes a lot of time to get this weapon destroy.
Maybe with globalization people minds is beeing changing and the major threat is not any more a conflict between 2 countries but it's the terrorism and we don't need this weapon to face that.
But I think we actually need a powerfull weapon or a proctection system it's a constant for stability in human society but the nuclear one is not the best one for todays situation we have to think about another one.
And it could be the final message of this film.
This film shows a striking contrast between death and life. I found that it is very interesting because we can see the various aspects of the humanity .
Regrettably, here the humanity is seen under its worst image and it is very shocking. But, the future may be different if we consider our mistakes and we listen the history.
This film shows that the people must be aware of the bad situation in the world
What I find interesting in this film is the point of view adopted. Indeed, we have an external vision of human beings; it stresses our paradoxes. On the one hand we can be full of compassion for the most vulnerable and resourceless, on the other hand we can be so violent and cruel, and spend all our time and money in building weapons and new ways to make war. It is really amazing and scaring to think that we have more than enough weapons to destroy our planet and civilization!
The use of shocking images intensifies the impact of the film, and I was astonished to see how such a brief film could be so eventful.
A very strange but interesting film about an hypotetic nuclear war.
I really wish this horrible scenario will never happen to the earth. I think persons who steer the world are not as much stupid to do a nuclear war.
The mean used in this film (shocking photos with the terrifing voice of the narrator, from an otehr civilization) is, I think, good to inform the viewer about a nuclear war.
After having seen this film, I was a little upset, it made me thinking about the deviation of nuclear energy.
Antropology 101 show the bad sides of Humans, able to build, to create, to invent a lo of things and also able to destroy is planet.
I advice a lot of people to show this short film!
Nicolas (ENSEEG)
I found this film very interesting but also a bit strange and shocking!
With strong images, all the problems of our society are evoked, from the gap between rich and poor to the children in the war and of course, nuclear weapons. What really make react is the contrast between an image and the following: happy babies / children with guns, rich people / poor people, people studying/ young in the war...
At the beginnig, I found strange make a film with a sequence of photos but it is efficient to denounce what's going on.
However, I couldn't watch the images of people hurted by the bomb.
Even if this film is a critic of our society, and is important to denounce some of bad aspects of the human, I think you are painting a too pessimistic tab of the humanity. It is sure that we have to realize that some of our discoveries can become dangerous. However, if I have to sum the History of humanity, with a external point of view as it is done, I will insist in our positive aspects, especially things like love, compassion, creativity. It is our main superiority on the animals, and I think it is the most relevant fact.
In my belief, the film is too centre on violence, war, hate, and this is not an objective opinion.
This film describe exactly what humanity is ! One the one hand the people who can show good aspects of humanity such as love, compassion ... And on the other hand people who just care about money, power ... We see in the film a big contrast between two different aspects of human being. This film was supposed to be shocking but I think that most of people will say that it too much. So they won't pay attention as if it was reality. And in fact if humanity is as bad as it is describe in the first part of the film people will say : well I am not like that so I am not concerned. This would reaveal that human being are selfish...
This film uses shocking pictures to show consequences of desire of human's domination. The main objective is to open our eyes. Of course, in the world there are countries where peace and love co-exhist, but, as the film show it, in other coutries it's war and wiolence.
The film stresses on atomic weapon but not on the benefits.
So, for this reason, this film doesn't appear very objective, but seems want only to denounce.
It is necesary Humans take care of their environment, and be more responsible, but i don't know if shocking people change their mind.
Good evening
Firstly i would like to say that when i have seen this movie, i have been very desappointed by the subject' realisation.
On the one hand, this movie, which would like to be like "Nuits et brouillards" for instance, is just a bland try in order to show the integrality of the human madness. So OK, the humanity is bad, must be shame of its past etc etc etc... But, Is it compulsory to realize this kind of movie without an excess of the moralizing aspect???
I have decided to be honest, i have been very desappointed just after the movie...
On the other hand, humanity has the duty to learn of its errors.So it's very important to show to the next generation the horrors of their parents. It's a necessity that this kind of movie exists to educate everybody: shocking movie, horrible nuclear bomb's victims pictures, humanity is the worst specie of the earth, every day we transform THE nature and so we don't respect HER...
No, more seriously, i think that you don't insist on the positiv aspect of the humanity. If "ET" watch the earth, I hope that ?it? sees our good aspects too. For instance, ?it? could note the arts, the relationships between us, our civilisations, the effort (of the majority)to protect environment, to save the most important part of our biodiversity, to limit the nuclear proliferation, to applicate the human’s right in the most of country as possible...
So i think that you simplificate too. I would like to ask a question, if nuclear weapons didn’t exist during the coldwar, Can you be sure that this war would be stay at the state of a cold war, and how many people would be die if the war begun an hot war???
I think we cannot judge the hummanity in a short doccumentary like that. The reality is more complicated than your fiction.
Thank you for your attention
our first feeling about this film is whoahhh!!!what a terrifying movie!!some scenes are extremely shocking like the one with nuclear bomb victims.i think the author wanted to enlighten the fact that if we are not very careful,we really run the risk to live a new world war.on the other hand, the ability of human to feel compassion and love can make sure such an horrible event won't never happen.
I reckon this film is interesting. It shows the both aspect of the human behaviour. The good one with his sensitive, his compation and the bad one with the nuclear bomb, rich-poor gap, ... etc. We can see in this film a lot of images of destruction and death and these images make us to be aware on these problems!
I unfortunately did not see the film, and I was sad to not find it on Internet (I only found an extract)
I think that, to have a real impact, it would be better to show this kind of film to a larger number of people.
The film has been shot and is explained by an none-human eye. This alien doesn't understand all the human words and actions, but it gives him an objective opinion. It brings more truth to what is shown.
This movie is presented as an extraterrestrial cultural documentary that shows what humanity looks like at the end of its time... that means nowadays ( around the year 2025 ), just before its destruction by nuclear weapons.
Anthropology 101 shows how people use more science and technologies to fight and dominate others then rather take care of themselves and offer a better life. “There are more scientists working for the war industry then the environment care”.
It seems like humanity has passed a gap, understanding how to use mathematics, physics and biology... but didn't yet get to the point that Planet Earth is getting too small for such a huge and growing humanity.
Now, what can be understood by those who have been shocked, touched or at least, who were interested in the film is that there is still a lot of work to make everybody understand : humanity, Earth and all the living things are part of a one and only entity. Every life is so deeply linked one to another that there is NO other way for humanity to go on. Human beings have to take care of their brothers and neighbors ( animals and plants ) as well as of the planet.
It maybe sounds like a hippy way of seeing life... but it seems to be our last chance and it has to be spread fast.
Mankind never like we recall its mistakes, its cruelty. If you see this movie, you will be shocked by those images. You will want to reject what you saw, away from you. But you cannot, because mankind is on jeopardy, because we have to find a solution to escape our own destruction, due to our acts and our foolishness.
And this film shows us the solution. Its lays inside us. Each person has the ability to love, to feel compassion. We have to look forward to save our planet in today's life.
This film shows terrible things but normal way everybody must know that these things are currently running. The effects of nuclear bombs are a secret for nobody. Everyone know that the Earth is warming. People must be aware that our world is dangerously endanger by human beeings.
I think that we are the most terrible thing on the Earth since its creation. No animals, no natural disaster have had such bad effects on the fauna and flora. Some people say that human beeings distinguish themselves from animals by love, creativity,... but some animals are able to fill love but cruelty is only a human feeling. I'm perhaps quite pessimistic but I'm affraid if human beeings cannot improve himselves the fiction will become reality and human species could disapear with many others.
Interesting film, original main idea, the fact of being watched by aliens can give the illusion of an objective point of view. I talk about illusion because to my mind, this movie only criticizes nuclear weapons without thinking about what this kind of weapons did or "staved off" to do. Take the example of the cold war. Imagine this war without nuclear bomb. The conflict between Americans and Russians would have burst and would have caused million died people. With nuclear weapon, the two sides were afraid of the reprisales of the other. So nuclear weapon prevented many mass murders, we can talk about "nuclear deterrence". I just want to say that globally, nuclear weapons don't present only inconveniences.
As a scientist, I think every new discovery, fundamental or tecnological, has good and bad applications. Now, we have to make the most of this new disoveries. Scientific research is made of risks : we have just to do the good choice.
An interesting film...
The idea of being observed by aliens is original because thanks to this vision, our world is seen with an external point of view, and it is frightening! As a matter of fact, this movie shows us in a few minutes the horrible acts of mankind.
A lot of scenes are shocking but I think people need to see such images to become a little more conscious of what is happening and what is threatening mankind...
This film is very strange... What a particular way to describe the today's state of the world! I do not understand if there was a logical line in this film.They can speak about the war, then speak about the mass communication, I do not really understand.
Furthermore, I find that this is a very horrible film, I have hidden my eyes during this awful moments!!!!(laugh)
I think that the authors have shown this photos in order to shocking the public, but, in my vue, I think that is not a good idea. Actually, when the United State had sent the atomic bomb on Japan, they knew what were the horrible consequences. Each action must be study with particular consideration. But, in most of cases, poeple follow their own intention and thus, they are able to do the worst think
because the personnal interest is more important than the common one.
So, this film show the most important blemish of humanity, follow our own interest and not the interest of others.
I like the end of this film because, in spite of the pessimist point of vue about the human race, they show the world before the calamity, and this film finish with the hope of change.
I think it's an intereting film as if it's a little bit exaggerate. The problem with the humans being is that they think that they haven't the power to change the earth destiny alone but if everyone say that nothing will change. Moreover man is inclined to say "I haven't done that it's not my fault". And this film could bring into focus the fact we are all responsible of the humanity future because if you study the past you can prevent some mistakes for the future. Eventually i said that this film is nevertheless positive because we can see all the positive aspect of the humanity and it would be the solution to prevent humans to destroy their planet.
Anthropology 101 is a strange movie which keeps us in suspense since the beginning. In fact, chosing to present the human civilization from an external point of view, as Bernard Werber did in Nos amis les Terriens, is a good way to draw the public attention.
The film director proposes an alleged documentary on how the human behaviour has destroyed Earth. By juxtaposing shocking images and listing all the bad aspects of humanity like war, misery or pollution, he wants people to become aware of the potential of cruelty and destruction of men. But on the other hand, he leaves us a little hope talking about their capacity of creation and compassion.
For sure, this vision of the future is exaggeratedly pessimistic, but this kind of movie does not aim to be realistic but to impress our spirit. Since we can not always fight against these atrocities, I think it is good to remember from time to time how dangerous we can be for ourselves.
To my mind this movie possesses two interesting and new points of view on human beings.
First of all, the point of view itself is new and original : the movie adopts an external point of view , this allows the author to be (pretend being...) objective. In fact, even though the narrator ( an extra-terrestrial ) is supposed to be neutral, the tone employed by him and the images shown are really subjective because they only present one aspect of our culture.
And this is the second interesting point on this movie. Indeed, the tone is realistic, and sometimes even, pessimistic, concerning the acts and their consequences, of mankind. Personally, I think that if an extra-terrestrial arrives on earth, learns our ancient and modern history, he would probably see us as a civilisation based on war. Every (or most of them) great changes(politic, economy...), and breakthrough happen during a war or are the aftermath of it...
So the author is really realistic concerning this aspect but does not describe all the aspects of mankind.
Anthropology 101 describes the humanity through an extraterrestrial's eye. It reveals both the weakness and the force of the human being. War, violence, indifference, but also love and compassion. I must say that I was quite ill at ease when I saw this film. It shows very shocking scenes, like this little boy starving to death, or these victims of a nuclear bomb. It also reminds us all what man has done wrong in the 20th century history, like all theses dicatorships which have killed millions of people. It obliges us to face the reality and all what we usually forget, blinded by our little daily concerns.
The aim of this kind of film is to shock people in order to make them react, and when I read my classmates' comments, I think it is quite effective.
I think this film a good idea. The fact that aliens observe and explain what humankind has done with a “fair” point a view is very good. The use of shocking pictures and film-extracted is a very good way to bring into focus what we do and where we are going. Indeed people realise rightfully things when it's presented shockingly…
But why I put “fair” in quotation mark?
Because I find this film a little bit too pessimistic… And the battle versus the nuclear arms is a little bit censorious. I am totally agree to say that nuclear arm is not the better human innovation, it’s obvious, but we don’t have to forget that it’s the nuclear arm which has avoided an open war during the cold war, and during others crisis, and so has avoided a lot of dead.
I think the disarming is necessary but not a total disarming because we are not in shelter of a taskmaster, or another person, which can obtain and use it. I think that nuclear arm is a method, among others, to defend us.
Fortunately, this film shows good aspects of human being and to avoid all the misfortunes described we have to change and do all we can !
One the one hand I found this film very interesting.The image were not preserving ourselves.Indeed we really saw what happens in the world concerning poverty and disparities.This film wants us to feel concerned about the actual problems in the world.
On the other hand, this film only show the pessimistic aspect of the world.What's more, I think the images have been selected to shock and consequently the film is quite biased.
I don't like very much this film. It comes from the fact I'm very sensitive and I can't show shocking images. I think that it is not useful to re-show to us once again our error of past. I hope that everybody held lessons of it and that these horrible things will not reproduce
I found this film very shoking..and I would like to say that I am against nuclear weapons. Indeed, the pictures of the victims of nuclear bomb are really horrible!! Moreover, I can't say that I am against the nuclear energie, because we NEED it! but we must find others way to produce energie, of course!
As far as I'm concerned, I didn't really like this film, because shocking facts and images are used to make us feel guilty about what happened, and what could happen with nuclear weapons...
I think that all normal people are against nuclear weapons, against wars, etc.. But in fact, can we choose, or do we have some weight on those decisions ? I don't think so...
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