Watch the first minute or so of the following clip on Youtube:
"Own Story"
Do you think that nuclear weapons are necessary to maintain world peace? Explain your answers.
This sections has three parts. First, a listening comprehension exercise, then a research and speaking assignment, followed by a writing asignment.
Part 1
You are going to watch a recent documentary called Waging Peace. Take notes as you listen. When you have finished your teacher will put you into small groups. Each group will be assigned an equal number of questions to answer (at least one for each student, so that everyone gets a chance to speak). Each group should choose a leader who will decide which student presents which question. Once you have finished the teacher will choose a group to lead the class and review the answers to the questions (usually those students with the easiest questions are chosen to be leaders). If you couldn't get the answer don't worry, hopefully someone apart from your teacher can help you.
Skills: listening comprehension, note taking, team work, speaking before a group, giving accurate information to classmates.
Click on the link to watch the entire film:
Waging Peace
Comprehension Questions
1. Who is Joseph Rotblat?
2. When was he born?
3.When did he die?
4. Where did he come from?
5. What was his role in the Manhattan Project?
6. Why did he resign?
7. How did the Pugwash movement begin?
8. What are the objectives of the Pugwash movement?
9. What is "the corner stone" of the movement? (See the list of expressions below and paraphrase the quotation from the film)
10. What is the Russell-Einstein Manifesto?
11. Complete the following quote from the Russell-Einstein Manifesto:"___________ your humanity, and forget the rest. If you can _____ so, the way lies open to a new ___________; if you cannot, there lies before you the risk of universal ___________."
12. How did the movement acquire the name 'Pugwash'?
13. The Pugwash movement has been instrumental in the limitation of nuclear weapons. Give two examples.
14 When did the Pugwash movement and Rotblat win the Nobel Peace Prize?
15. How did the people of Oslo show their appreciation for Rotblat?
16. Why is the Pugwash movement concerned about global warming?
17. How many nuclear weapons are there in the world today?
18. How many are 'necessary'?
19. Why are nuclear weapons considered useless?
20. How does Sally Milne describe Joseph Rotblat? Give three adjectives.
21. Why did Joseph Rotblat become particularly concerned about the education of young people?
22. When Rotblat was pushing past a group of lads in the Tottenham Court Road tube station in London, they called out "Hey what's the hurry? You're an old man"
He replied, "Don't you see? It's because....................................................................................."
a) Complete Rotblat's reply.
b) His reply is witty. Explain why it is funny.
c) What does his reply reveal about how he regarded his work.
Try to explain the following highlighted words and expressions used in the film. If you can't do this from the context use an online dictionary to help you. Try the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
23. The corner stone of the Pugwash movement is that, "As long as nuclear weapons exist they will one day be used."
24. Pugwash has no political ax to grind. ('ax' = US spelling '; axe' = UK spelling)
25. Students will be the torchbearers of the Pugwash movement
26. Rotblat pushed passed a group of lads.
27. Rotblat is a great role model for young people.
Listening Comprehension Answers
IN groups of 2-3 decide whether you think Pugwash is right in their condemnation of nuclear weapons. Justify your answers. Present them to the rest of the class. When you have finished you may proceed to Part 2 if there is time. If not go directly to Evaluation.
Part 2
Writing Exercise
Individually answer the following questions in the form of a written comment. Be as honest and frank as you can.
1) Read the following extract from the writings of Joseph Rotblat. Here he gives three reasons why his colleagues did not resign from the Manhattan Project after Germany had been defeated.
"The most frequent reason given was pure and simple curiosity - the strong urge to find out whether the theoretical calculations and predictions would come true....
Others were prepared to put the matter off even longer, persuaded by the arguments that many Amercian lives would be saved if the bomb brought a rapid end to the war with Japan. Only when peace was restored would they take in hand to ensure that the bomb would not be used again.
Still others, while agreeing that the project should have been stopped when the German factor ceased to operate , were not willing to take an individual stand because they feared it would adversely affect their future career."
a) Put yourself in the shoes of a scientist on this project. What would you have done? Would you have given up the project? Complete the sentence "If I had been one of Rotblat's colleagues I would (not) have + past participle ....because....
b) Of the three reasons given by the scientists which one do you think was for them
the strongest? Explain your answer.
2) If nuclear weapons are considered "useless" and should be deemed immoral and illegal, why have they proliferated?
Without talking to your neighbour write a few words describing what you have learnt; in other words, have your opinons changed or have they been confirmed? Submit your comment as comment to this post.
Part 3 Speaking. In groups of 2-3 students research ONE of the following topics. Be prepared to speak about in class.
3) Using the internet find out what Student Pugwash USA (SPUSA) is. How did it begin? What are its objectives and what does it do? What are Student Pugwash chapters?
4) What about Student Pugwash France?
5) What is Come Clean? Discuss their work in making the world aware of WMD.
Some helpful links
Come Clean WMD Awarenes Programme
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
Student Pugwash USA
Come Clean WMD Awareness Programme, Citizenship Education: Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat FRS pp60-62
© All Copyright, 2007, Ray Genet